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Financial Advisors: Should You Use a 1035 Exchange to Optimize Life Insurance?
Life insurance is a long-term asset. Over the decades a life insurance policy is in force, your client’s financial situation is likely to evolve. Sometimes, that evolution is so significant that the existing life coverage is no longer a good fit.

What Is An Inforce Illustration and Why You Should Request One?
An inforce illustration is an estimate of how a life insurance policy’s cash value balance will change over time. The illustration can be incredibly useful in your financial planning, because — unfortunately — life insurance policies can go sideways.

Guide to Long-Term Care Riders and Alternatives
A long-term care rider is a life insurance feature that helps pay for ongoing, medically necessary care from a home health aide, skilled nursing facility, or nursing home. Any LTC payouts are treated as prepayments against your life insurance policy’s death benefit.

Guide to Chronic Illness Riders and Alternatives
A chronic illness rider is a feature available on life insurance that funds long-term care costs when you have a permanent or terminal illness. Some chronic illness riders specify the conditions or diseases that are eligible for benefits, but many do not.

How to Borrow Against Your Life Insurance Policy
Read on for a walk-through of the mechanics of borrowing from life insurance, including the terms, tax consequences, borrowing limits, and the pros and cons. With that base of knowledge, you’ll be ready to decide if a life insurance loan is right for you.

8 Best Retirement Investments: What to Invest in Before and During Retirement
Looking for the best retirement investments to fund your golden years? You’re in the right place. Here’s a review of eight investment assets and accounts suitable for retirement planners and retirees, along with guidance on how much money you actually need to retire.

What is Best Execution and Why Is It Important?
If you trade securities in the stock market, the best execution rule from FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) impacts you. Or, more accurately stated, the best execution rule protects you and your clients from conflicts of interest that can arise from the trade execution process.

7 Ways Grandparents Can Help Grandchildren Pay for College
Whether your grandkids are learning to walk or struggling through high school chemistry, now is the time to think about starting a college fund. U.S. News & World Report concludes that the cost of college is a major financial challenge for many households. That means your grandkids will probably need your help.

Guide to Life Insurance for Cancer Patients
Read on to find out if life insurance covers cancer, whether you can get life insurance while being treated for cancer, what your insurance prospects look like once you’re in remission, and what to do if you can’t afford your life insurance.