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The Top of Senior Discounts of 2023
As inflation and the cost of living goes up, many people are looking for ways to save and stretch their dollars further. Luckily for seniors,

How Nursing Home Staffing Shortages Affect Seniors
Following burnout among long-term caregivers as a result of the pandemic, nearly 240,000 caregivers or 15% of the nursing home workforce have left since 2020

How to Avoid A Nursing Home Taking Your House
In 2024, the median cost of a a private room in a nursing home is $9,872 per month or $8,641 for a semi-private room. Annually,

Does Medicaid Pay For Assisted Living?
Even with adequate retirement savings, individuals may find it difficult to pay for assisted living costs and seek solutions from the government. To help you understand your options, we’ll explain the role of medicaid and medicare when paying for assisted living. Plus, get other helpful information on covering these costs.

Medicaid Estate Recovery: Explanation, Process, & How to Avoid
Medicaid is a government program that provides healthcare benefits and financial assistance for low-income individuals including children, parents, seniors, and people with disabilities. The program

Life Insurance Rates By Age for 2025
See the cost of term and whole life insurance policies by age and gender, plus other helpful information you should know.

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?
The primary purpose of life insurance is to act as a safety net, to ensure loved ones have the financial resources to care for themselves

How to Use Life Insurance in Your Retirement Planning
While most people associate life insurance with the death benefit used to provide a financial safety net for loved ones, many policies also offer financial benefits that can be used for retirement planning. To help you get the most value out of your policy, we’ll discuss how you can use life insurance in your retirement planning.

What is Adverse Selection and Why Does It Matter For Life Insurance?
Adverse selection is a concept with a widespread impact on the insurance industry. Learn everything you need to know about adverse selection in this helpful guide.